The Elan Group has been at the fore front of providing electronic enrollments for our clients for years. To us, electronic enrollment means more than simply meeting with employees and enrolling their core and voluntary benefits by computer. It means helping the client design the E-enrollment system they need, which best fits their particular situation. This can mean a design using the clients existing benefit administration and enrollment platform, or a design where an online portal provides the platform, housed outside our client's system, but which can be personalized to reflect your company's unique brand, and serves as the clients comprehensive benefit management and communication system. These designs can include self enrollment, call center and/or assisted individual appointment enrollments.

All designs include the communication, collection, and transfer of employee benefit choices to HR, payroll, and various selected Insurance carriers. Designs can also include, plan comparison tools, multilingual support, personalized benefits information, and educational videos on demand. Billing administration and adjudication are also available. Below you will find links to some of our current electronic enrollment management system partners. These links will provide an in depth explanation of our ability to provide state of the art benefit solutions. We look forward to helping you solve your benefit communication and enrollment challenges.
